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What is the Planning Commission?
The Kilmarnock Planning Commission consists of seven town residents appointed by the Town Council. Assisted by the Town Planning and Zoning staff, the Commission is considered primarily an advisory agent and makes recommendations to Town Council on various subjects. Responsibilities include Comprehensive Plan development for the community, zoning and subdivision ordinance implementation, and Capital Improvement Plan input as requested. Commissioners are to be qualified by knowledge and experience to make decisions on questions of community growth and development.
The seven member Planning Commission is responsible for the Town’s Comprehensive Plan, zoning ordinance amendments, review of conditional use permits and rezoning applications. The Kilmarnock Planning Commission also serves as the Subdivision Committee. Members are appointed by Town Council on a four-year, staggered term basis. Meetings are held the 2nd Monday of the month at 7pm in the Kilmarnock Town Hall, 1 N. Main ST.
Current Planning Commission Members are:
Neill Shultz, Chair
Barbara Ettner
Tara Donahue
Brandon Frazier
Tom Jones
Roxanne Fisher
Les Spivey, Council Liaison
Currently there are six seats on the commission, terms are staggered.
What is the Board of Zoning Appeals?
The Kilmarnock Board of Zoning Appeals is a five-member board required by VA State Code and appointed by Lancaster Circuit Court. The Board is empowered to grant variances, decide matters involving the zoning administrator, as well as interpret the exact location of zoning boundaries shown of the zoning map.
Current Board of Zoning Appeals:
Both Town Council and Planning Commission meetings are filmed and then posted for viewing approximately 1-2 business days following the meeting. Visit Kilmarnock, VA to view the official meeting videos. This is a FREE service.
Contact us with any questions and concerns regarding this department.
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