150 North Main St, Kilmarnock, VA 22482
Hours: Dawn to Dusk Daily
The park is open dawn to dusk daily. The Town of Kilmarnock has established requirements for the use of the Park. This is to ensure that our guests are able to enjoy the Park and that the Park is maintained as a clean, safe and fun place to bring families and friends. There is a designated smoking area at the Pavilion otherwise the Park is smoke free.

Splash Pad
Waterworks: Now Open
The Waterworks is the popular water feature of the Park. It is open 7 days a week from 10am to 8pm. Bring your children 12 years and under and enjoy. Here are the requirements to help everyone enjoy the Waterworks. Here’s how to safely enjoy the Waterworks!
The Waterworks is the popular water feature of the Park. It is open 7 days a week from 10am to 8pm. Bring your children 12 years and under and enjoy. Here are the requirements to help everyone enjoy the Waterworks. Heres how to safely enjoy the Waterworks!
1. Waterworks is for children 12 yrs. of age & must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
2. Swim diapers must be worn in place of regular diapers. Anyone engaging in horseplay or foul language will be asked to leave.
3. No running please.
4. Keep glass containers or anything breakable away from the Waterworks. Let’s protect those tiny feet.
5. No food, drinks or pets are allowed within the Waterworks.
6. Skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, and/or scooters are not allowed on the surface. Damaging the surface means less play time.
7. Athletic equipment such as balls, bats, beach balls, noodles, etc. are not allowed.
8. Please, no smoking in Waterworks or River Play children's’ areas. The Park’s designated smoking area is at the Pavilion.
9. For your safety, the Waterworks is under video camera surveillance and is regularly monitored.
10. Use the Waterworks at your own risk. Kilmarnock Town Centre Park is not continually supervised and the Town of Kilmarnock assumes no liability for loss, damage, or any kind of injury or accident to people or personal property.
Scottie Yard, Dog Park
Scottie Yard Open Dawn to Dusk daily
Scottie Yard opened May 28, 2011 and features off-leash play areas for both small and large dogs. It is located inside Kilmarnocks Town Centre Park, across from the Library. Its the first dog park in the Northern Neck.
PARK HOURS ARE FROM DAWN TO DUSK. PLEASE BE SURE TO CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PET. PATRONS USE THE PARK AT THEIR OWN RISK. Failure to abide by the park rules may result in loss of privileges or owners may be ticketed.
Never been to a Dog Park?
Are you and your dog new to dog parks? If so, you may want to start off slow. Familiarize yourself with how the area works and its posted rules. Make your first visit to the Dog Park without your dog or come to the park when there are fewer dogs in the park. Let your dog become familiar with the surroundings. Your dog will be happier if you ease him into the dog park experience. If your dog is not socialized, you will need to exercise extra caution. If your dog becomes aggressive towards other dogs or people, you should leave the park and perhaps try again on another day. Scotty says, “the humans are responsible.”
Double-Gated Entry
The double-gated entry is designed as a staging area to unleash your dog. After you enter the first gate, be sure to close it behind you. Next, unleash your dog(s) in the staging area. You are now ready to open the inner gate and enter the park. Dogs on leashes sometimes feel threatened, so it is important to unleash them before you enter the dog area. You go inside with your dog, please do not leave your friend unattended.
When you leave the park, reverse the procedure. Make sure your dogs are properly leashed when you leave the park.
Watch out for kids
Dogs and children are not always a good mix at a dog park. No children age 12 or under are allowed within the fenced areas. If you are a parent with children in the dog park, please be aware of your child’s behavior. Children can sometimes cause unnecessary stress in dogs. Allowing your child to pet an unknown dog is not advised. Further, do not let you child attempt to pick up any dog in the park. Some dogs do not like to be picked up and will become defensive.
If you are a dog owner, please remind parents with children to be extremely cautious. Even though your dog may be friendly, be extremely cautious when children are in the park. Not all dogs are accustomed to children. It may be necessary to remind children (in a nice voice, of course) that this is a dog park and not a petting zoo.
Is your dog having a bad day?
If your dog is having trouble getting along with another dog or dogs, then perhaps you should leave the park and come back when it is less crowded. Some humans don’t like other humans. The same can be true for dogs. Please, no puppies under 4 months of age or female dogs in heat are allowed.
No Food – No Food – No Food
People food in the dog park is a bad idea. Not only will you have dogs begging, but dogs will sometimes fight over food. This is so easy to avoid. Leave people food at home or in your car. Don’t bring it into the park. Dog treats are fine.
Scoop the poop and Keep the park clean!
Mutt-mitts are provided, so it’s up to you to clean up after your dog. If you come across “something” that was forgotten, please be a good citizen and pick it up. That goes for digging too. If your dog digs, please pack the dirt back in place.
Please remember to observe the posted rules! Complaints about you and your dog threaten the success of the dog park.
River Play
River Play Open Dawn to Dusk daily
Riverplay is the popular water feature of the Park. It is open 7 days a week from 10am to 8pm. Bring your children 12 years and under and enjoy. Here are the requirements to help everyone enjoy the Waterworks. Heres how to safely enjoy the Waterworks!
River Play: Open daily dawn til dusk
1. Children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult over the age of 18 and must be supervised at all times.
2. Please, no smoking in Waterworks or River Play children's areas. The Park’s designated smoking area is at the Pavilion.
3. No food, drinks or pets are allowed within River Play.
4. Keep glass containers or anything breakable away from River Play. Let’s protect those tiny feet.
5. Skateboards, roller blades, bicycles, and/or scooters are not allowed on the equipment or within the mulched area.
6. Athletic equipment such as balls, bats, beach balls, noodles, etc. are not allowed.
7. Games that involve tackling, tagging, pushing, shoving, hitting, grabbing, pulling, knocking down, tripping throwing or climbing or jumping on others are not allowed
8. Anyone engaging in horseplay or foul language will be asked to leave.
9. For your safety, River Play is under video camera surveillance and is regularly monitored.
10. Use River Play at your own risk. Kilmarnock Town Centre Park is not continually supervised and the Town of Kilmarnock assumes no liability for loss, damage, or any kind of injury or accident to people or personal.
Park Events

Christmas at the Park
Countdown to Christmas Nov. 30th 5pm-7pm
Walk in the Park 5pm-8pm Nov 30th-Jan 1st

Regional Events
Something fun is always happening throughout Virginia’s River Realm. Whether its being on the river, noshing at a festival or just grabbing some great seafood, there’s so much to do here!